The all-new #isuzudmax has been “completely redesigned from the ground up”, according to Isuzu South Africa.
It’s as if the Japanese contender has graduated from finishing school, having used customer feedback to develop the new bakkie’s ride and handling settings.
As an #aftermarket #leather interior option, #HandelStreet recreates a classic leather interior with features not available with the OEM.
Perforated Inserts, custom D-MAX embroidery, and hundreds of stitching colours complement the vehicle’s styling and interior cabin experience.
Isuzu D-Max owners looking to upgrade their interior at the time of purchase or after taking delivery of their new vehicle not available with a leather interior option may speak to there Isuzu representative or directly to Handel Street.
Remember if It Doesnt SAY Handel Street its not the Genuine Product ® ™ .
Be South African,Buy South African,Made In South Africa. ® ™
Level 1 BBBEE Compliant Company.

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